jFuzzyLogic: Open Source Fuzzy Logic (Java)

FCL example explained

Fuzzy Control Langage FCL is defined by IEC 1331 part 7. It's a simple language to define a fuzzy inferece system. We'll take a look at an example, for a more detailed explanation, please read the spec.

Keep in mind that FCL is defined as a 'Control language', so the main concept is a 'control block' which has some input and output variables (it's not a 'programm' in the usual way).
We'll be using this example, first take a look at it.

Ok, let's try to annalize each line:

  • First you define each FUNCTION_BLOCK (there may be more than one in each file)
     FUNCTION_BLOCK tipper 

  • Then input and output variable/s are defined (variable type is only REAL, integer is not implemented yet)
        service : REAL;
        food : REAL;
        tip : REAL;

  • How each input variable is fuzzified is defined in FUZZIFY block. In each block we define one or more TERMs (also called LinguisticTerms). Each term is composed by a name and a membership function. E.g.:
    FUZZIFY service
        TERM poor := (0, 1) (4, 0) ; 
        TERM good := (1, 0) (4,1) (6,1) (9,0);
        TERM excellent := (6, 0) (9, 1);
    In this lines we define how variable service will be fuzzified. Three terms are used, for instance term poor uses a piece-wise linear membership function defined by points x_0 = 0, y_0 = 1 and x_1 = 4, y_1 = 0

    food variable fuzzify block is define likewise:

    FUZZIFY food
        TERM rancid := (0, 1) (1, 1) (3,0) ;
        TERM delicious := (7,0) (9,1);

  • Output variables are defuzzified to get a 'real' output number, this is defined in DEFUZZIFY block. Like FUZZIFY block, linguistic terms (or TERMs) are defined:
        TERM cheap := (0,0) (5,1) (10,0);
        TERM average := (10,0) (15,1) (20,0);
        TERM generous := (20,0) (25,1) (30,0);

    Then we may define some other parameters:
     METHOD : COG; 
    Use 'Center of gravity' as defuzzifier's method.

     DEFAULT := 0; 
    Use '0' as default value (if no rule actuvates this variable).

  • We can define now the rules. This is done using a RULEBLOCK. First we define some parameters:
        AND : MIN;
    Use 'min' for 'and' (also implicit use 'max' for 'or' to fulfill DeMorgan's Law)

     ACT : MIN; 
    Use 'min' activation method

     ACCU : MAX; 
    Use 'maximum' as accumulation method.

    And now define some rules (3 in this case)
        RULE 1 : IF service IS poor OR food IS rancid THEN tip IS cheap;
        RULE 2 : IF service IS good THEN tip IS average; 
        RULE 3 : IF service IS excellent AND food IS delicious THEN tip is generous;
    Ok, that's it, you've got a fuzzy controller.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Author: Pablo Cingolani (pcingola@users.sourceforge.net)
Key words (for search engines):
Fuzzy logic
Fuzzy logic software
Fuzzy logic package
Fuzzy logic library
Fuzzy logic sourceforge sf.net
Open source
Windows Linux OSX
IEC 1131
IEC 61131
IEC 61131 part 7
IEC 61131-7
Fuzzy logic Wikipedia